May I please have some help?


Staff member

By any chance, are you too laggy to do /spawn or /rtp to get out of there? If not, you can be teleported out of the situation. You just need to give me your username.

Sorry about the lag by the way! Some places you have to be careful with, such as /pw play, /pw strawbairy, and /pw sfgarden. Although beautiful warps, they are demanding for some devices! Always best to ask the owner of the warp (or even chat) if it is bedrock/fps-friendly.


New member
Yes, I am too laggy to use commands. I have tried many times. I actually went to /pw play and what does load in for me looks amazing. I will keep your advice in mind, and warn other people who use bedrock.


Staff member
Whenever you are online, start a conversation with me on here to alert me (also tell me your full username). I can get you out of the warp. Or, message me on Discord. It is Candii#3015. Let's get you out of there. :)