Recent content by Qrowsy

  1. Qrowsy


    Heyo Im Qrowsy or Dillon. Im 19 turning 20 in August. I live in a village in a mainly city state in the us. I do make graphic designs. Human interaction isnt ideal because of my anxiety. Im planning on moving in with Eddy in a few years irl.
  2. Qrowsy

    Learning how to count to 100

    welp we got to 1 lol thanks eddy :D
  3. Qrowsy

    Learning how to count to 100

    Lets start with me 1
  4. Qrowsy

    no one is here but death and not the admin.

    no one is here but death and not the admin.
  5. Qrowsy

    A Very General "Discussion"

    crack addict (your welcome future room mate)
  6. Qrowsy

